The First Zombie Proof House In The World

Publish date: 2024-09-09

Moveable walls and an entrance barricaded by a two story drawbridge make this first zombie proof house an impregnable fortress.

Zombie Proof House

Zombie House Design

Somehow, ritual drunk-conversation concerning team captains for the apocalypse has become a major part of the lives of 20-somethings. Having been matured in the Grandaddy-crowned masterpiece film (put “A.M. 180” on and forget that you have a job) 28 Days Later and the best-selling Zombie Survival Guide, we’re all a little too ready to deal with the 2012 zombie apocalypse of our dreams.

Zombie Safe House Photograph

“The Safe House,” designed by KWK Promes, starts to get eerily close to something I could work with, if say 200 bludgeoned members of the undead army came over to eat their way into borrowing some sugar.

Zombie Proof House Picture

“The most essential item for our clients was acquiring the feeling of maximum security,” begins the designers’ website in the summary of the structure. Who wouldn’t feel safe in a concrete rectangle that folds in upon itself to become completely sealed? Even the windows are covered with a slab of concrete when the structure is on nap time.

Zombie Survival House

The house, with its movable walls, has only one entrance, which is located on the second floor after crossing a drawbridge. Seems like the perfect opportunity to use a flamethrower and defend the life of your family, while stylishly nesting in a piece of architectural elitism.

Zombie House Photograph

Zombie Proof Designed House

Zombie Proof House Pictures

Zombie House Photo

More Pictures Of The World’s First Zombie Proof House

Zombie Proof House

Zombie Proof House Picture

Zombie Safe House

The Zombie Proof House Picture

Zombie Apocalypse House

Zombie House Shut

Zombie Proof House Shut Closed

Video Tour Of The First Zombie Proof House

Want to live through the zombie uprising? Read our posts on a basic survival guide for the zombie apocalypse and beautiful abandoned places
