Breast cancer survivor reveals VERY awkward moment when her stunned date realized she didn't have an

Publish date: 2024-08-13

A breast cancer survivor has candidly opened up about the very awkward moment she forgot to tell her date she had no nipples.

Dani Tropsa, from New York, previously underwent a double mastectomy and aggressive chemotherapy after discovering a lump.

As a result, the 37-year-old became cautious in her dating life and admitted that she found it hard to tell every love interest that she had lost part of her breasts.

But there was one particular encounter where the revelation caught a potential partner completely off guard. 

Dani Tropsa, from New York, previously underwent a double mastectomy and aggressive chemotherapy after discovering a lump

Dani Tropsa, from New York, previously underwent a double mastectomy and aggressive chemotherapy after discovering a lump 

As a result, the 37-year-old became cautious in her dating life and admitted that she found it hard to tell every love interest that she had lost part of her breasts

As a result, the 37-year-old became cautious in her dating life and admitted that she found it hard to tell every love interest that she had lost part of her breasts 

Dani explained: ‘I had breast cancer, I lost my boobs, I lost my nipples and I had this moment of time that I was single after all that had happened.

‘I was dating this man and I decided I wanted to have a little bit of a spicy night with him – the vibes were there, everything felt good.’

She said that she and her date went home but revealed: ‘I totally forgot that I don’t have nipples anymore and that I didn’t tell him.

‘We get to the point where we’re feeling good, the vibes are vibing, the candles are lit and all of that stuff.

‘This poor man goes to take everything off… he thinks I have nipple pasties on – why wouldn’t you think that?

‘My scars at that point had healed pretty well and it was a little bit dark in the room so it wasn’t really clear what was going on.’

The content creator continued: ‘I quickly realized what was happening and that’s when we had a very interesting, awkward conversation.

‘Needless to say that spicy night quickly went to mild. It didn’t quite end up the way that I wanted it to but he was a great sport about it.

Since then, Dani has decided it is best to tell her love interests about her journey on the first date

Since then, Dani has decided it is best to tell her love interests about her journey on the first date 

‘We laughed, we had a good time, nothing spicy ended up happening clearly because it was more of a deeper conversation at that point.’

Dani has since shed further light on the encounter, adding: ‘I hadn’t committed to telling people on the first date yet and this particular date was a catalyst for that! 

‘His first reaction was just to sit there in silence and wait for me to say something, which I completely understand, but we just laughed it off afterwards.

‘Because he sat there so awkwardly, I just made a joke of it. I told him, “I needed to go find my nipples! They must have fallen off at the restaurant!” 

‘That made us both laugh and then I eased into the story of telling him what happened.’

She continued: ‘At first I was mortified. Embarrassed! And quickly, I tried to figure out what to do or say. But as most situations in life I dealt with it with humor, and he just laughed.

‘In a crazy way, this story of how I completely forgot about my nipples was the tail end of my denial phase. 

‘So this whole scenario really helped me become the truly open and honest person I am now.

‘Losing your breasts and nipples may seem like a trivial thing, but it’s a massive perspective shift.’

She confessed: ‘I had to learn how to love myself again. I had to learn how to let others in and share that journey.

Dani was originally only meant to have surgery to remove one nipple as the tumor was too close to be able to save it, but she opted to also have it removed on the non-cancerous side, so she could feel more symmetrical

Dani was originally only meant to have surgery to remove one nipple as the tumor was too close to be able to save it, but she opted to also have it removed on the non-cancerous side, so she could feel more symmetrical

‘I had to learn that it’s okay to feel everything I was feeling, but keep my determination to fall back in love with my new body so I could fall in love with other people again.

‘Nipples to me weren’t just nipples. They were a part of me – a part of my sexuality, a part of my femininity, a part of being a human – so losing them was a long and winding road of figuring out how to feel confident and like myself in this new chapter.’

Since then, Dani has decided it is best to tell her love interests about her journey on the first date. 

‘After that, I told my dates on the first date. Not only did I want to make sure that didn’t happen again, but it felt right to me. 

‘To get it out in the open. See how they responded, which definitely weeded some people out.

‘One guy told me to keep my bra on and I kicked him out of my apartment immediately. 

‘It was such a lesson in my worth and value as a human and that those body parts don’t define me.’

In November 2017, Dani had a bilateral mastectomy surgery, as this was the first form of reconstructive treatment available after being diagnosed with breast cancer earlier that year. 

After going through rounds of chemotherapy treatment, she was ready to undergo surgery to remove what was left of her cancer.

She recalled how originally she was only meant to have surgery to remove one nipple as the tumor was too close to be able to save it, but she opted to also have it removed on the non-cancerous side, so she could feel more symmetrical.

Dani’s treatment and recovery took around 18 months in total.
